Sunday, August 2, 2009

Short Term Aesthetic Recommendations

Ferrero-Hixon has prepared a series of short-term, relatively low cost enhancements and preliminary budget items that the Town, businesses and residents can pursue, including amongst other things:
  • Install additional street trees in vicinity of public senior housing ($11,250);
  • Relocate existing donation containers from the Walter Bass property to another less visible location:
  • Add some street trees north of the historic train station and place a series of graphic boards highlighting the downtown and possibly pave a 25' strip for a clean edge ($38,650);
  • Scrape and paint all exterior trim on the historic train station and put graphics boards in the windows ($11,640);
  • Provide banners and flags on street lights on the 140 Bridge ($3,200);
  • Hanging flower boxes on the Canal Bridge($350);
  • Place fountain with lighting on both sides of canal bridge providing a gateway to the Town Center ($10,00);
  • Use Algonquin power smokestakes for some graphic identifying landmark;
  • Encourage Ahlstrom to replicate their histogram on the exterior of their building or along canal and provide tours of their operation;
  • Paint existing overhead pipes at Ahlstrom and develop and mount a Windsor Locks sign ($12,000);
  • Replace existing flower pots with 30 substantial rectagular planters ($36,000);
  • Work with Dexter Plaza ownership for use of the parking lot for a Farmers Market or other activities/events that would draw people;
  • Install ornamental street lighting along western side of Route 159 ($4,000 each);
  • Waterside Village facade improvements ($49,180);
  • Add perennial plantings in existing street tree pits for sustainable seasonal color ($760); and
  • String white lights on existing street trees.

Funding could be a mix of donations, town funds, grant funds and in-kind services.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Young trees do not do well in areas where there are high levels of carbon monoxide. Look at the trees planted against the guard rail along the rail line. Most of them are dead.